The 2022 Tick Season Has Been 3x More Active This Week for ALL States East of the Rocky Mountains
According to, adult deer tick (responsible for the transmission of Lyme disease and a number of co-infections) submission to their tick testing lab is three times higher this ALL states east of the Rocky Mountains. That is a profoundly significant increase considering the wide spread region that includes.
"Submissions of adult deer ticks tripled this week from all states east of the Rocky Mountains. This signals the start of the peak season for adult deer ticks, which will last until at least June in most regions. Ticks on the West Coast have been active through the winter, but we usually see activity spikes in those regions alongside increases in the Eastern U.S.. If you are working or playing outside, take precautions and check for ticks when you come inside." — March 12, 2022
They go on to say not to panic and give their basic steps for protection and removal of the tick if you are bitten.
Dr. Hinchey's tick bite prevention and treatment is a deeper dive in thoroughly comprehensive understanding of everything tick related from safeguarding your property to how natural herbal support protocols work as an adjunct to or stand alone therapy when infections persist beyond the 4 day antibiotic window.