By Dr Myriah Hinchey on Saturday, 16 May 2020
Category: Naturopathic Medicine Blog

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and Its Many Uses: How Can You Benefit?

If you haven't yet heard of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or HBOT, don't worry, you're not alone. 

This cutting-edge technology isn't widely understood or made accessible in our conventional health care system, so most people aren't aware of its profound applications and endless benefits.

Not just yet, that is.

Imagine being able to address numerous health conditions related to 

– at the root cause level – all in the same treatment.

No, it's not futuristic, experimental sci-fi technology based on hype. It's science.

Not only is HBOT rigorously evidence-based and proven to be clinically effective, it is safe, non-invasive, and is a passive, easy, simple treatment for maximum results with little or no effort for the patient. Your only job is to show up, get in, and relax while the technology does the work for you.

So, what is HBOT and how does it work?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is the medical use of oxygen in an ambient pressurized environment – in this case, a long chamber emulating a pod equipped with a window, similar to an MRI machine, but more spacious and less likely to cause claustrophobia. The individual receives a walkie talkie while the attendant initiates pressurization, lies down comfortably, and can rest, meditate, or sleep for the hour long treatment. The sensation mimics what you would feel in an airplane – your ears will pop, but will stop once the chamber is fully pressurized and depressurized at the close of the session.

Recommended treatment is 40 hours in 30 days, as it has cumulative effects. 60-120 minute sessions, 1-2 times per day, for 5 days a week during the month-long period is ideal. The good news? There is no "maintenance" needed and the effects of HBOT are permanent.

Many health conditions stem from hypoxia, or a lack of oxygen to tissues. HBOT reduces hypoxia in a two-fold mechanism by 1) stimulating angiogenesis, the growth of more blood vessels and circulatory pathways, and 2) by hyper-oxygenating blood plasma, cerebrospinal, and lymph fluids, bypassing the normal system of transporting oxygen to the body's tissues and providing up to 25 times the typical levels of oxygen. This controlled process allows oxygen to dissolve and saturate fluids and enter the cells, tissues, and organs for broad physiological, biochemical, and cellular benefits.

What is HBOT used for?

The synergistic mechanisms of hyperbarics serve as therapeutic interventions for prevention and recovery of a host of acute pathologies, as well as for ongoing chronic issues that many individuals experience common symptoms from. HBOT decreases inflammation, reduces oxidative stress and cellular degeneration, and increases the capacity for the body to rapidly heal itself. It increases energy and stamina, soft tissue, bone, and skin health. HBOT can also destroy harmful bacteria and viruses and initiates the natural defense activity of white blood cells to boost the immune system. Notably, hyperbarics stimulate stem cell development, which serves as the body's primary internal repair system in anti-disease, anti-aging, and regenerative processes.

HBOT is being used to cosmetically to combat signs of aging in a safe, accessible, non-invasive, non-surgical way. Hyperbarics effectively promotes skin elasticity, collagen production, reduces scar formation, and treats excessive skin damage from sun exposure.

Even more, HBOT addresses the main chronic diseases that are the leading causes of death and disability in the US, such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. Hyperbarics can be a therapeutic intervention and serve as a prophylactic measure in combination with other dietary and lifestyle modalities to reduce the risk of these major diseases from evolving and impacting overall health and life span.

Cancer, one of the rapidly-increasing leading causes of death, can be addressed with HBOT. Hyperbarics can both enhance the effectiveness and reduce the side effects of conventional cancer treatments and therapies to shrink tumors, alleviate chemotherapy issues, and accelerate healing. HBOT can also help to prevent cancer by decreasing inflammatory markers, normalizing cellular oxygen levels, supporting DNA repair, and promoting cellular detoxification.

Hyperbarics target many neurological conditions, neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. HBOT increase neuronal stem cells growth and helping to regain brain and peripheral nervous system activity, functionality, repair, and regeneration. It improves memory and mental performance, mood, cognitive and motor function, and stimulates neuroplasticity.

Lyme disease patients are experiencing relief from HBOT, as it increases immune function and repairs tissue damage, as well as for its antibacterial properties. Because of this issue, herxeimer effects can happen and additional detox support may be helpful, which includes targeted supplements, nutritional support, and infrared sauna treatments.

Specific health conditions and medical diagnoses that HBOT is being used to treat include (but aren't limited to):

Wondering if this new form of regenerative medicine is right for you? The answer is most likely YES!

With its numerous effects on existing conditions and effective preventative benefits, HBOT can be a needle-mover in your health and longevity practices. In combination with ongoing efforts that build resilience and health at the source, including proper nutrition, sleep, stress management, detoxification practices, repleting nutrients with supplements, positive mindset, and strong social connections, hyperbarics can truly contribute to a dramatically improved level of health optimization.

For more information on booking treatments and for additional health coaching and detoxification support as beneficial adjunct services to enhance the effectiveness of the hyperbaric treatments, call TAO Center for Vitality, Longevity, and Optimal Health LLC in Hebron, CT at (860) 228-1287